The pandemic not only affected the work environment, it also changed the landscape of the virtual environment. As millions of employees transitioned to working remotely, understanding the importance of cyber safety became imperative. On this page you will find webinars, posters and information you need to know to protect you and your networks from cyber risks.


Financial Institutions & COVID-19: A Cyber Safe Re-Opening

As Hawaii moves towards reopening businesses and the economy, what does this mean for financial institutions and their customers?  With more transactions moving online and the need to keep customers socially distant and safe in branches, local experts discuss what financial institutions will be doing and what changes customers can expect.

Panelists include:

  • Vance Jones, EVP & CISO, Bank of Hawaii
  • Joel Kumabe, SVP & CIO, Hawaii State FCU
  • Michael Nishida, SVP, First Hawaiian Bank
  • Moderated by Jodi Ito, CISO, University of Hawai’i

Cyber Readiness Institute and CyberHawaii

Keeping Educators & Students Cyber Safe

As schools race online to ensure students continue to learn during and beyond this pandemic, the need to be cyber secure and safe has increased. One way to make it easy for students to practice good cyber hygiene is to teach them the “ABC’s”:

  • A – Authenticate your account using a strong passphrase
  • B – Beware of phishing attempts and help students verify that you are the sender of the email
  • C – Caution students to use their video applications if they SEE your screen name calling

Cyber Readiness Institute and CyberHawaii

Phishing & Ransomware Attacks

COVID-19 continues to impact millions around the world, and cyber attackers are using this pandemic as an opportunity to strike by using our fears to receive information. CyberHawaii partnered with the Cyber Readiness Institute to host another webinar featuring local experts who shared their insights regarding phishing and ransomware attacks currently affecting our community. Experts on the panel included:
  • Craig Moss, director of content and tools, Cyber Readiness Institute
  • Jason Ulsh, supervisory special agent, FBI’s Honolulu Cyber Squad
  • David Rolla, chief information security officer, Hawaiian Electric

Better Business Bureau Northwest + Pacific and CyberHawaii

Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 Era

Addressesing the most pressing cybersecurity concerns amid the massive shift to remote work. Jodi Ito, Chief Information Security Officer for University of Hawaii and an active member of CyberHawaii joined by BBB Northwest + Pacific’s Chief Innovation Officer Dale Dixon for the discussion. Jodi addressed the uptick in cyber crimes and the recent recommendations and advisories put out by the FBI. Attendees learned practical ways to avoid the impacts of phishing scams, business email attacks and more. Jodi stressed the need to especially guard access to a company’s “crown jewels” – those informational resources that are foundational to the operations and security of a business.