CyberHawaii and the University of Hawaii invite you to meet with Cloudflare at the University of Hawaii, Manoa Campus, on Wednesday February 28, 2024 from 4-6pm. Cloudflare will be speaking on The Anatomy of a DDOS Attack.
Gartner describes Cloudflare as “a company focused on enhancing Internet performance. The primary problem it addresses is the need for online application protection and acceleration without the need for additional hardware, software installation or code alterations. Cloudflare operates an intelligent global network that routes all traffic for Internet properties empowered by it. This mechanism progressively improves with each new site added to the system. The result yields a substantial enhancement in performance along with a notable decrease in spam and attacks. With a headquarters situated in San Francisco, CA, Cloudflare also operates from multiple global locations.”
Registration is required for the event using the link below.
There is no charge to attend this event, but space is limited so be sure to register soon.